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Make a Donation

Sydney Festival is hard at work and committed to delivering our January event in 2021.

“Sydney Festival will be driving an Australia Made offering that celebrates the resilience of our communities, the passion of our artists and assists the investment in Australia’s recovery” – Festival Director, Wesley Enoch AM


Sydney Festival is a non-profit organisation – we receive some core funding from the NSW Government and the City of Sydney for which we are extremely grateful, but this represents only about a third of the total funding.

HELP US continue to present an arts and entertainment program that celebrates summer across Sydney and plays a vital role in the recovery, regeneration and the joy of shared, live, experiences for our city and our country.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Sydney Festival using the Donate Now button below.

Make a contribution of $1,000 and become a Festival Lover with benefits including a personal ticketing concierge, special invitations and opportunities to jump the queue at Festival performances.

Like to know more? Contact the philanthropy team on 02 8248 6502 or philanthropy[at]

Prefer the opportunity to join a group of like-minded private donors who support our vision and enjoy a range of exclusive benefits? Consider joining our philanthropic program.

Festival Lovers

Each January, Sydney Festival presents bold and memorable experiences that ignite, unite, inspire and excite the city of Sydney. In January 2021 our proud history of presenting inspiring, ground-breaking Australian artists continues with a vibrant program of Australia’s finest artists and companies.


And play a vital role in the recovery, regeneration, and the joy of shared, live, experiences for our city and our country.


Celebrate our own rich talent and culture and showcase the best of our country's extraordinary artists and companies as we begin to re-imagine our collective future.


With a tax-deductible donation of $1000, you'll enjoy a range of benefits that enhance your Festival experience with like-minded Festival supporters who believe in the unique and invaluable perspectives that artists have on the world around us.

I have enjoyed the amazing events and experiences the festival has brought to our city over the years and it’s with great pleasure to be able to show my appreciation and support the festival” – Kiong Lee

As first time donors (and first time attenders of Sydney Festival) we were not sure quite what to expect. …. We are donors for several organisations so we can honestly say that the special treatment we received was extraordinary” – Dianne Finnegan

Make your $1,000 tax-deductible donation to Sydney Festival or contact Head of Philanthropy Marita Supplee on 02 8248 6510 or marita.supplee[at]

Consider taking your giving to the next level and enjoy exclusive benefits as part of our philanthropic program.

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